How to Preplan Your Funeral - 10 Step Guide

How to Preplan Your Funeral - 10 Step Guide

May 24, 2023

Preplanning your funeral can be a thoughtful and practical way to ensure that your final wishes are respected, and that your loved ones are spared from the burden of making difficult decisions during a time of grief. Here are some steps you can take to preplan your funeral: 

1. Decide on the type of funeral: Consider whether you want a traditional funeral, a memorial service, a celebration of life, or another type of service. You may also want to decide on whether you want to be buried or cremated. 

2. Choose a funeral home: Research and compare funeral homes in your area to find one that meets your needs and budget. 

3. Determine your budget: Determine how much you are willing and able to spend on your funeral. This can help guide your decisions and prevent you from overspending. 

4. Choose a casket or urn: If you have decided to be buried or cremated, you will need to choose a casket or urn. 

5. Decide on the location: Determine where you want your funeral or memorial service to be held. This could be at a funeral home, a church, a park, or another location. 

6. Select music and readings: Choose any music or readings that you want to be included in your service. 

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7. Create a guest list: Decide who you want to invite to your service. 

8. Write an obituary: Write an obituary that includes your life story, accomplishments, and any other information you want to share. 

(>> Blog: Insert after obit blog is live)

9. Communicate your wishes: Make sure your loved ones are aware of your wishes and where to find your preplanning documents. 

10. Consider prepaying: Consider prepaying for your funeral to lock in current prices and relieve your loved ones of the financial burden. 

Remember, preplanning your funeral can be a personal and meaningful process. Take the time to think about what you want and communicate your wishes to your loved ones.